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Participating International Conferences
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS24)
The 2024 International Conference on Geomechanics and Engineering (ICGE24)
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Membrane Water Treatment (AMWT24)
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Environmental Science and Technology (AEST24)
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Materials Research (ICAM24)
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS24)
Dynamic Behavior of Structures, Wind-Borne Debris and Moving Objects [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Bassam A. Younis
Flying characteristics of wind-borne debris by empirical models of tornadic flows
Yong Chul Kim*
Wind-induced vibration analysis of a standing glass structure by an advanced time-marching physics-informed neural network
Zhaolin Chen, S.K. Lai*, Zhicheng Yang, Yi-Qing Ni
Experimental Study of Effect of Jet flow on Local Scour of Bridge Piers
Yanwei Niu, Chaoqun Feng, Hongliang Qi, Xiaoyan Kuang, Bassam A. Younis*
Human like driver behavior under crosswind conditions based on driving simulator study
Yiheng Fu*, Wei Cui, Lin Zhao
Multi-Sphere Deep SVDD for System Identification of Building Structure
Sang Min Lee, Yeong In Lee, Thomas Kang
Influence of Core Wall Eccentricity on Stress Concentration in High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Chaeyun Ahn*, Thomas Kang
Wind Tunnel Testing, CFD and Other Analytical Methods [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Seung Yong Jeong
Explicit analytical solutions and evolution mechanisms of 3-DOF flutter for typical structures
Genshen Fang*, Zuopeng Wen, Yajun Ge
Reproduction of 2-D non-synoptic wind field in an actively controlled wind tunnel
Wei Cui*, Lin Zhao
Prediction of Fluctuating Wind Load with RANS Computation under Interference Effect
Hansol Lee*, Thomas Kang
Wind pressure distribution on the open membrane structure
Seung Yong Jeong*, Thomas Kang, Si Yun Kim, Keum Il Song, Hong Suk Yang
Compensation of extreme wind pressure on saddle roof by partial turbulence simulation method for missing of low-frequency turbulence in wind tunnel test
Min Liu*, Liping Hou, Qingshan Yang, Jiaxing Wang
Wind-wave-current coupling simulation in OpenFOAM and evolution of flow field
Zhaohui Luo*, Wei Cui, Lin Zhao
Wind Time History Analysis and Various Analytical Models [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Thomas Kang, Byeonguk Ahn
Optimizing wind turbine maintenance strategies through reliability deteriorating modeling
Chizhi Zhang*, Hao Zhang, Jian Jiang
Performance-Based Wind Design of Tall Moment-Frame Buildings Considering RWR Factor
Byeonguk Ahn*, Hamidreza Alinejad, Thomas Kang
A Study on FNA Method Calibration for Wind-Resistant High-Rise Building
Seonhyeong Kim*, Thomas Kang
Peak Factor Evaluation for Wind Pressure and Structural Response of Tall Buildings
Sol-Gi Eun*, Thomas Kang
Wake meandering of floating wind turbine and its influence on power and fatigue
Yue Cheng*, Lin Zhao
Time-domain analysis of a floating bridge subjected to wind and wave loads based on state space models
Chaoqi Gao*, Ledong Zhu
A Study on Methodological Differences in Time History Analyses for Performance-Based Wind Design of Tall Buildings
Byeonguk Ahn*, Kyungtae Kim, Yeon-Ki Jung, Thomas Kang
Wind response of various-shaped RC Chimney
Taniya Saha
Tall and Special Buildings Subject to Wind and Other Extreme Loads [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Thomas Kang, Seong Ryong Ahn
Response analysis and collapse simulation of typical latticed tower subjected to gust in high altitude deep canyon
Yuchen Li*, Wei Cui, Lin Zhao
Performance-Based Seismic-Wind Design of Coupled Structures with Various Connection Details
Min Kyu Kim*, Thomas Kang
Using real-time hybrid testing to verify the performance of full-scale tuned mass damper against wind forces in high-rise building
Chan-Jung Kang*, Qi-Yang Liao, Jer-Fu Wang, Shih-Yu Chu, Chung Fang, Chi-Chang Lin
A Comprehensive Analysis of Projectile Impact on Concrete Panels
Seong Ryong Ahn*, Thomas Kang
Analytical Study on Blast Behavior of Unbonded PT Panels
Hyeon-Sik Choi*, Seong Ryong Ahn, Thomas Kang
Investigation of Wind Field, Wind Load and Wake Flow [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Thomas Kang, Min Kyu Kim
WRF-based simulation of wind field at bridge site in a complex mountainous area in southwest China
Yan Luo*, Ledong Zhu
Machine Learning-Based Approach to Development of Simplified Wind Load Formula for Concrete Structures
Chanho Kim*, Thomas Kang
Study on spatial-temporal wind characteristics during a cooling process in complex terrain
Qian Chen*, Chuanjin Yu; Yongle Li
Investigation on aerodynamic stability of stay cables with lighting fixtures
Yongle Li, Zewen Wang*, Haojun Tang, Kemi Hua
Analysis of wake flow and wind pressure characteristics of split double box girder based on measured data
Wenbin Li*, Wei Cui, Lin Zhao
A Comparative Assessment of Modal Parameters and Flutter Derivatives Using Multiple Output-Only System Identification Methods
Qi-Yang Liao*, Chan-Jung Kang, Chung-Chun Wu, Shih-Yu Chu, Chung Fang, Cheng-Yang Chung, Chin-Chen Chou
Failure Analysis of Transmission Line Systems under Extreme Loading Conditions [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Xing Fu, Dahai Wang
Research on wind load drag coefficient identification of transmission tower considering rotational degree of freedom
Qing Zhang*
Study on the icing mechanism of bundle conductors considering surface roughness
Chang-Hong Song, Yu-Fen Shan, Chao Zhang, Xiang Gao, Jia-Xiang Li*
Damping and wind-induced vibration response of T-shaped transmission towers in the tortional direction
Kanghui Han, Guohui shen*, Yonghan Jiang
Investigation into the failure mechanisms of overhead transmission lines under combined wind and ice
Xiangrui Meng*, Li Tian*, Juncai Liu, Kunjie Rong
Numerical study on ice-shedding dynamic responses of conductors an improved method of ice element with multiple-layer stiffness and corrected damping ratio
Dahai Wang*, Yaqi Zhao
A nonlinear finite element analysis method for cable structures
Zhitao Yan*, Liming Gong, Lingzhi Wang
Research on coupling vibration characteristics and wind-induced responses of large-span transmission lines
Zhen-hua Li*, Xing Fu, Wen-ping Xie
Effects of Bolt Connection Loosening on the Mechanical Behavior of Angle-steel Transmission Tower
Yujie Xing, Yunzhu Cai*
Modeling of Dynamic Characteristics for Transmission Tower Line System Using the Free Interface Modal Synthesis
Xiaoyang Cheng*, Yunzhu Cai
Research on wind vibration control of lattice landscape tower based on meta-heuristic algorithm and TMDI
Shuang Zhao, Yongjie Liu, Xueqin Zhang
Establishing a Work-Time Coding System to Aid Engineering Consultant Firms in Project Budgeting and Cost Control
Shih Hsu Wang*
Development of Robust and Durable UHPC Offshore Wind Towers
C. Shawn SUN, Haik Aslanyan*
Model surrogation for a nonlinear structure subjected to strong wind loads: A pilot study
Bibek Rana Magar*
The 2024 International Conference on Geomechanics and Engineering(ICGE24)
Exploring Innovations in Geotechncial Engineering (I) [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Soonkie Nam, Boohyun Nam
Manufacturing geopolymer construction material from lunar soil simulant incorporating biologically precipitated calcium carbonate
Jinwoo An*, Arthur Cabo, Jae-Hoon Hwang, Yong Je Kim, Boo Hyun Nam, Bubryur Kim
Estimation of Effective Thermal Conductivity in Micro Carbon Fiber Reinforced Clay Soil (MCFRS) with Different Fiber Distributions
Jongwan Eun*
Analysis on lateral resistance of precast bored piles based on experimental and numerical approach
Hee-Hwan Ryu*, Shin-Kyu Choi, Kim Hun Tae, Yang Dae Suck, Kyu-Won Kim, En-Soo Hong
Delineating Ground Subsidence and Flood Risk in Southeast Texas (SETX) Using PS-InSAR and Deep Learning
Arip Syaripudin Nur, Jinwoo An, Yong Je Kim*
Effects of edge-oxidized graphene oxide (EOGO) in metakaolin based geopolymer composite
Ho Young Lee, Kyungwon Park, Jinwoo An, Boo Hyun Nam*
Porous Geopolymer Grout Composite for Geotechnical Applications
Karla Sierra, Jinwoo An*, Yong Je Kim, Jae-Hoon Hwang, Boo Hyun Nam
Enhancing Cavity Detection in Tunnel Linings Using Electromagnetic Simulation and Machine Learning
Gyu-Hyun Go*, Dinh-Viet Le, Sayali Pangavhane
Comparative Analysis of Seasonal Ground Deformation: Evaluating Climatic Impacts on Overpasses and Subsidence-Prone Areas in Beaumont, Texas Using PSInSAR and SBAS
Md Saffiquzzaman Chowdhury, Yong Je Kim*, Jinwoo An
Localized compressive strength profiling of sand columns treated with MICP uusing surface percolation method
Turab H. Jafri, Jinung Do*
Review of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Inspection Guidelines in the United States
Marcel Maghiar, Soonkie Nam*, Gustavo Maldonado, Ana Lanza Hernandez, Anu Pradeep, Tanvir Ahmed
Use of terrestrial LiDAR to capture potential displacements of mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls
Marcel Maghiar, Gustavo Maldonado, Soonkie Nam*, Tanvir Ahmed, Md. Mehrab Hossain, Shakil Ahmed
Mechanical properties of biopolymer treated binary soil mixture
Jeong-Uk Bang*, Dong-yeup Park, Minhyeong Lee, Ilhan Chang, Gye-Chun Cho
The evaluation of service performance of aggregates and subgrade under repeat loads [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Jianfeng Xue, Zhiyong Liu
Mechanical and Fatigue Performance of Recycled Concrete Aggregate Blended with Waste Tyre Rubber Stabilised with Slag for Pavement Application
Fatima Juveria, Janitha Migunthanna*, Pathmanathan Rajeev, Jay Sanjayan
Investigating the Reinforcing Effects of Geogrid in Unbound Granular Materials using the Precision Unbound Material Analyzer (PUMA) and Repeated Load Triaxial (RLT) Tests
Ziheng Wang, Yue Chen*, Jianfeng Xue
Suffusion-induced evolution of cyclic behaviors of subgrade using CFD-DEM
Zheng Hu*
The mechanical properties of polyurethane treated soil and the application on mud pumping subgrade beds of ballastless tracks
Junhua Xiao, Jiapei Ma, Zhiyong Liu*
Numerical and experimental modeling dynamic responses of permeable pile in liquefiable sand ground
Jian-Gu Qian*, Chi Ma, Guo-Xiong Mei
Impact of Salinity on Thermal Properties of Frozen Sand in Artificial Ground Freezing Systems
Hyeontae Park*, Sangyeong Park, Hojong Kim, Hangseok Choi
Optimizing Cement-Based Grout Material for Artificial Ground Freezing: Effects of Silica Sand and Graphite Additives on Thermal Conductivity and Workability
Hojong Kim*, Sangyeong Park, Hyeontae Park, Hangseok Choi
Numerical modeling of RC Beams with Hybrid CFRP-Steel Bars
Yi Dong, Tiejiong Lou*
A Comparative Study of Bonded and Unbonded PC Beams
Xing Liu, Yi Dong, Tiejiong Lou*
Research and application of lifting and rectifying technology for double block ballastless track structure
Zhipeng Su*, Junhua Xiao, Xi Yang, Lingzi Zhao
Exploring Innovations in Geotechncial Engineering (II) [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Gyu-Hyun Go
Effect of geogrid pullout behavior on biopolymer-based soil treatment (BPST)
Gi-Yun Kim*, Donghyeon Yang, Ilhan Chang
Behavior of the upper ground during the tunnel excavation in the fragmental rocks
Yong Eun Roh*, Sang Duk Lee, Ilhan Chang
A Study on Applicability to Slopes of Water Repellent Soils
Byeong-Su Kim*
Compressional behavior of fine-grained soils: clastic and biogenic non-plastic soils
Handikajati Kusuma Marjadi*, Junbong Jang
The Impact of Phosphogypsum on Enhancing the Compressive Strength of CSA-Treated Sand
Anna Loskutova*, Jong Kim, Sung-Woo Moon
Effect of polysaccharide biopolymer on rheological and shear behavior of soil
Dong-yeup Park*, Jeong-uk Bang, Minhyeong Lee, Ilhan Chang, Gye-Chun Cho
Experimental study on the optimal water content for xanthan gum-based treatment sand
Sanghoon Im*, Dong-yeup Park, Minhyeong Lee, Ilhan Chang, Gye-Chun Cho
In-situ Estimation of K0 based on Cone Penetration Tests
Donggun Nam*, Qaisar Abbas, Junhwan Lee
A study on the effect of geobag connectors on the stability of geobag-reinforced slopes
Heui-Soo Han, Jun Woo Shin*, Kyungwon Park, Boo Hyun Nam
Underground Geomechanics and Engineering [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Jinung Do
New formula to prevent settlement induced by EPB tunneling
C. Okay AKSOY*, H. Eray YAMAN
Numerical analysis on thrust force requirements for TBMs in soft soil using the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach
Joohyun Park*, Jun-Beom An, Gye-Chun Cho
Preliminary Study of Different Joint Stiffness Ratio on Tunnel Internal Forces Subjected to Varying Seismic Wave Directions
Hasky Widjaja*, Jun-Beom An, Joohyun Park, Gye-Chun Cho
Numerical analysis of size effect on the deformation behavior of corrugated steel utility tunnel (CSUT)
Deok-Hwi Hwang*, Joohyun Park, Doyeon Lee, Gye-Chun Cho
Development of excavation management system for slurry TBM in permeable mixed ground conditions.
Jaehoon Jung, Hangseok Choi, Jongwon Jung, Young Jin Shin*
Microscopic Analysis of Inter-Particle Bonding in Granular Soil Stabilized with Xanthan gum Biopolymer Hydrogel
Sojeong Lee, Ilhan Chang
Machine learning-based classification of underground utility counts using electrical resistance numerical module
Hee-Hwan Ryu, Suyoung Choi, Song-Hun Chong, Tae-Young Kim, Jiyun Lee, Meiyan Kang*
Optimization of cutting method for aging pipeline in utility tunnel with AHP approach
Hyun-Jong Cha*, Tae-Min Oh, Ki-Il Song
Geomechanics for Sustanable Built Environment [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Jinhyun Choo, Clarence Choi
Water infiltration dynamics in bentonite-based engineered barrier systems investigated by time-lapse photography
Jinwoo Kim*, Hwan-Hui Lim, Jin-Seop Kim, Tae-Hyuk Kwon
Experimental Study on Abrasive Size Effect in Abrasive Waterjet Drilling
Hasky Widjaja*, Jun-Beom An, Joohyun Park, Gye-Chun Cho
Effect of standoff distance and abrasive particle size on granite drilling performance using abrasive waterjet
Deok-Hwi Hwang*, Joohyun Park, Doyeon Lee, Gye-Chun Cho
Effect of MTBE Contamination on the Geotechnical Properties of Clayey and Sandy Soils.
Farhad Khajepour Nasrabadi*, Meysam Lak, Taghi Ebadi
Simulating the biomechanical behaviors of trees in granular-flow-forest interactions: MPM-LSDEM
Zhengyu Liang*, Clarence Edward Choi, Jinhyun Choo
Ice-modeling in saturated phase-transiting porous media
Hyun-Jong Cha*, Tae-Min Oh, Ki-Il Song
Hybrid continuum-discrete simulation of soil-object interactions
Jinhyun Choo*, Yidong Zhao
Site Characterization and Ground Improvement [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Taeseo Ku
Development and Experimental Validation of P-Y Curves for Rectangular Piles
Wenshuai Li*, Weiming Gong, Guoliang Dai
Behavior of a poorly graded medium sand in undrained cyclic direct simple shear tests
Martin Achmus*, Jann-Eike Saathoff, Norman Goldau
Unified Strength Prediction Model for Cemented Soils
Taeseo Ku*, Sathya Subramanian
Dynamic properties of silty sand
Nuraiym Paiyz*, Kamila Khoschanova, Shynggys Abdialim, Jong Kim, Alfrendo Satyanaga, Sungwoo Moon
(050) Taguchi grey relational analysis for optimum condition of soybean crude urease-calcium carbonate precipitation method as a soil improvement technique for fine-graded sand
Akbar Renaldi Loebis*
Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Q-System Parameters from Seismic Surveys
Minshik Rho*, Seung Bo Shim, Jin Kim, Ji-Won Kim, Gye-Chun Cho
Database-based Evaluation of Various Capacity Interpretation Criteria for Micropiles in Drained and Undrained Soils
Anjerick Topacio*, Dianne Angcaya, Ruzelle May Flores, Erico Jiovan Naguit, Carmelo Zapanta
Innovative Techniques in Sensing and Machine Learning for Engineering [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Jong-Sub Lee, Hyung-Koo Yoon
Identification of Third-Party Reckless Construction Events Based on Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing System
Xutao Han*, Youliang Ding, Hanwei Zhao, Xiaonan Zhanging
Soil Resistance Estimation using Smart Instrumented Dynamic Penetrometers
Geunwoo Park, Namsun Kim, Yong-Hoon Byun, Sang Yeob Kim, Jong-Sub Lee*
Embedded type new in-situ soil stiffness assessment and monitoring technique
Namsun Kim*, Jong-Sub Lee, Younggeun Yoo, Jinwook Kim, Junghee Park
A machine learning approach for assessment and prediction of reservoir safety using on-site visual Condition Assessment Index (CAI)
Suhyuk Park*, Sihoon Kim, Sunghoon Moon, Ilhan Chang
A pore network approach to evaluate injection characteristics of biopolymer solution into soil
Jae-Eun Ryou*, Jongwon Jung
A Study on transmission line configuration for structural health monitoring using electromagnetic waves
Dongsoo Lee*, Dong-Ju Kim, Jinwook Kim, Jong-Sub Lee, Sang Yeob Kim
Prediction of Longitudinal Wave Speed in Rock Bolt coupled with Multilayer Neural Network (MNN) Algorithm
Jungdoung Yu, Geunwoo Park, Dong-Ju Kim, Hyung-Koo Yoon*
A Study on the Characteristics of Applying Oversampling Algorithms to Fosberg Fire-Weather Index (FFWI) Data
Sang Yeob Kim, Dongsoo Lee, Jungdoung Yu, Hyung-Koo Yoon*
Investigation of Characteristic Values in TDR Waveform Using SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) for Dielectric Constant Estimation During Curing Time
Won-Taek Hong, WooJin Han, Yong-Hoon Byun, Hyung-Koo Yoon*
Measurement of temperature change on coil column unit using FBG sensors during thermal response test: A study for geothermal energy system
Young-Sang Kim*, Duc-Thang Hoang, Gyeong-O Kang, Huu-Ba Dinh
Geo-IT and Energy Geomechanics and Engineering [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Sojeong Lee
Prediction of Resilient Modulus on Unsaturated Geomaterials via DEM Modeling
Hyun-Su Park*
Numerical analysis on the application of HWAW method on thin surface layer condition assessment: A Preliminary study
Doyeon Lee*, Deok-hwi Hwang, Gye-chun Cho
Investigating the Potential Use of Microfibre Surgical Face Masks for Soil Improvement
Benyapa Punnoi*, Suched Likitlersuang
Stress Analysis on Load-bearing Geotextile Tubes during Filling and under Surcharge Loading
Hyeong-Joo Kim, Voltaire Anthony Corsino*, Hyeong-Soo Kim, James Vincent Reyes, Tae-Wong Park, Peter Dinoy, Tae-Eon Kim
The effect of faults on the behavior of the Ourkiss Algeria reservoir dam
Toufik Karech*, Phd Student Hassiba Baghzim
Enhanced Excavation Design Method Based on Characterized Stiffness of Support System
Jonghyeong Yoon*, Qaisar Abbas, Jiyeong Lee, Jiyeong Lee
Utilizing a Hybrid CNN-RNN Machine Learning Approach for Forecasting Time-Series Outlet Fluid Temperature Monitoring by Long-Term Operation of BHEs System
SMakarakreasey King*, Chan-Young Yune
Preliminary Study on the Effects of Temperature, Radiation, and Humidity on Monitoring Sensors for HLW Repository
Sokpheanika Chea*, Gye-Chun Cho
Influence of Secant Pile Construction on the Deformation of Pile Foundations in Adjacent High speed Railway Bridges
Changdan Wang, Bingjun Wang*, Shunhua Zhou, Jinglong Wang
Estimation of site-specific ground motion coherency function using geotechnical dynamic analysis
Hak-sung Kim*, Yonghee Lee, Jeong-seon Park
Historical Review of the Geotechnical Data of Saemangeum Sea Dike
Hyeong-Joo Kim, James Vincent Reyes*, Hyeong-Soo Kim, Tae-Woong Park, Peter Rey Dinoy, Voltaire Anthony Corsino, Tae-on Kim
Prediction of specifications for steel tower foundations using non-destructive testing method
Hee-Hwan Ryu*, Shin-Kyu Choi, Kim Hun Tae, Yang Dae Suck, Kyu-Won Kim, En-Soo Hong
Study on the Spacing of Group Piles Considering the Arching Effect
Chan-Hee Kim, Seong-Jin Kil, Jae-Won Kim, Gap-Bu Kim,Young-Uk Kim, Jun-Ho Moon*
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Membrane Water Treatment(AMWT24)
Skills for water and resource protection responding to climate change [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Youngjin Kim
The fate of Microcystin-LR in a water distribution system
Dooil Kim*
Field test of a membrane contactor process for ammonia recovery from anaerbic digestion leachate
Youngjin Kim*
Particulate matter outflow and behavior in ultrapure water pipelines
Bo Hyeon Park, Soohoon Choi*, Won Hyeong Seo, Gaeun Kim
Biofouling control of FO membrane by non-oxidizing biocide for wastewater reclamation process
Duksoo Jang*
Fractional-Submerged Membrane distillation crystallizer for resource recovery from desalination plant brine
Youngkwon Choi*
Sustainable Solutions for Air Quality, Pollutant Dispersion, and Decarbonization [Mini Symposium]
High sulfonation and membrane properties of polyphenylsulfone(PPSU) for ion exchange device application
Jedeok Kim*, Fatin Bazilah Binti Fauzi
Using machine learning and artificial intelligence methods to study the current-voltage characteristics of membrane systems
Kirillova Evgenia*, Kovalenko Anna
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Environmental Science and Technology (AEST24)
Sustainable Solutions for Air Quality, Pollutant Dispersion, and Decarbonization [Mini Symposium]
A computational platform of Air Quality Analysis for better future sustainability
Peng-Yeng Yin*
Correlation and quantification of flow field and pollutant dispersion mechanisms in a single street canyon
Xisheng LIN*, Bingchao Zhang, Cruz Y. Li, Tim Tse
Life Cycle GHG emissions assessment of hybrid power systems for off-grid electrification of remote islands
Angeliki Sagani, Vassilis Dedoussis*
Circular economy-driven performance assessment of electricity generation options for decarbonization of Islands
Angeliki Sagani, Styliani Sofianopoulou*
Estimation of salinity gradient power generation in sea-river systems in Japan
Kotomi Watanabe*, Hiroyuki Shima
Utilizing Travertine Waste in Sustainable Pervious Concrete Pavement for Heavy Metal Mitigation and Urban Runoff Reduction
Tianzhen Li*
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Materials Research (ICAM24)
Recent developments in the advanced and functional construction materials [Mini Symposium]
Chairmen: Jun-ho Seo
Optimizing Ternary Cement Mixes: Phase Diagrams for Portland Cement-Slag-Fly Ash Blends
Aron Berhanu Degefa*, Solmi Park
An overview of the characteristics of carbonation-cured alkaliactivated slag: Effect of activator type and curing condition
Sungsik Choi*, Jisoo Kim, Joonho Seo,H.K. Lee
Recent advances in carbonation curing for improving properties of belite-rich cement
Jun-Jie Pei, Jeong-Gook Jang*
Effects of interior stone waste sludge on the mechanical properties and microstructure of cement mortar
Jae Seok Choi, Beomjoo Yang*
Enhanced Segmentation Techniques for Images of Concrete sections from Construction Sites
Woldeamanuel Minwuye Mesfin1, Hyeong-Ki Kim*
The effect of mortar infill on large internodal bamboo species, Bambusa blumeana, for steel dowel connections
Sustainable Polymers: Green Packaging, Water Suppressants, and Composite Materials [Mini Symposium]
Development of Water Evaporation Suppressant for Reservoir Utilizing Fern as an Antimicrobial Agent
Drexler Sibal*, Kristian Daile D. Arellano, Ross Aldrich D. Perez, Christianne Faye A. Villanueva, Jessica Michaella F. Manago
Utilization of Plastic Manufacturing Byproducts for Production of Composite Polyethylene Particle Boards
Jazel B. Dizon*, Jerome Jordan F. Famadico
Enhancing the oxidation resistance of metal and alloy at high temperature by surface fluorination
JJae-Ho Kim*, Susumu Yonezawa
Research on Properties of Eco-Green Ultra-High-Performance Concrete with Distinct Alkali-Activated Contents
Po-Yuan Su*, Wen-Cheng Yeh, Ming-Hui Lee
Research and Application of Improved Lithium Mica Leaching Slag Used as Subgrade Filling material
Kun Yu, Xiao-hui Li, Dong-bo Zou, Hai-yu Xiao, Yin Cheng*, Qun-yan Liu, Zi-jun Jiang, Qiong-qiong Wang
Evaluation of the index properties of water hyacinth biochar-treated soiljeann
Patrick Barcelona, Juan Angelo Malaca, Lance Matthew Santiago, Jose Gabriel Zamora, Erica Elice Uy*, Angelo Edora
Hydrogen Damage of 17-4 Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel
Wen-Ta Tsai*, Yueh-Ting Lin, Jyun-Yu Lin
Influence of Cement Fineness on the Performance of Cement Mortar
Porntep Puangprakhon*, Walairat Bunthai
Strength and durability against wetting-drying cycles of geopolymer-stabilized reclaimed asphalt pavement for roadway base course materials
Walairat Bunthai*, Narissara Khamtanee, Porntep Puangprakhon
Recycled Asphalt Pavement Modified with Geopolymer Obtained from Coal Ash as a Roadway Base Course Materials
Narissara Khamtanee*, Chanawat Wongrueang, Nattawut Sukkaew, Phuwanai Meethaem, Phutthichai Tohram, Walairat Bunthai, Porntep Puangprakhon
Effect of thermal environment on the structural responses of metal-ceramic FGM plates having cutout with and without stiffeners
Balaraman Paneerselvam*, Sreehari VM
Analysis on plastic shrinkage crack with improved bleeding and evaporation evaluation
Hyun-Kyoung Kim*, Hyo-Gyoung Kwak