The 2013 International Conference on

Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures (CTCS13)

Conference Chairs: Jin-Keun Kim, Christian Meyer
8-12 September 2013, Int'l Convention Center Jeju, Jeju, Korea
Abstracts Due:
March 31, 2013

CTCS13 is a part of ASEM13 World Congress.


Conference Themes:

Topics will include (but not limited to):

* Design of concrete structures
* Computational mechanics of concrete
* Construction technologies
* Plasticity
* Creep and shrinkage
* Dynamic effects
* Automated design procedures
* Performance under extreme conditions
* Composites
* Impact loads on concrete structures
* Computes and concrete related themes

* Constitutive laws
* Modeling of concrete structures
* Hybrid structures
* Fracture mechanics
* Thermo-mechanics
* Reliability and safety
* Stochastic mechanics
* Fiber reinforcement
* Concrete mix design
* Rehabilitation of concrete structures


Call for Papers & MS Organizers:

Those who are interested in organizing a mini symposium (MS) with papers in the areas of his/her expertise are invited to organize a mini symposium at the CTCS13.

A mini symposium may have a single session or multiple sessions with 5~8 papers each.

Details (such as support, etc.);


Journal Submission:

Authors are encouraged to submit an expanded version (14-20 single column journal pages) of their paper for possible publication in the "Computers and Concrete" or any other Techno-Press Journals of author's choice. If your paper is submitted on or before June 30, 2013, you need not submit your proceeding paper. To submit a paper to any Techno-Press Journal;


Organized by: Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)

                      Intl Assoc of Structural Engineering and Mechanics (IASEM)

In cooperation with: Computers and Concrete, An Int'l Journal

All correspondence should be addressed to:

     Secretariat ASEM13

     Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng, KAIST, Daejeon 305-701, Korea

     Tel: (+82-42)-350-8452, Fax: (+82-42)-350-8450

     E-mail:, Internet address: