Those who have interests in the emerging technologies in a wide range of topics of ASEM17/ANBRE17 Congress are invited to submit one-full-page abstracts to the Secretariat of Congress. After acceptance of abstracts, the 4-20 page proceeding papers(single column) should be submitted. Both abstracts and proceeding papers can be submitted after signing up for ASEM17/ANBRE17 website. This will allow you to check your submission/registration status at your convenience. Distinguished papers will be invited to be included in a number of special issues of Techno-Press journals.
As the conferences are organized in close cooperation with the Techno-Press Journals, authors may have choices to submit their papers as stated below:
- Full proceeding paper (4-20 pages)
- Paper published by any Techno-Press Journal (may present without preparing another paper)
- Paper submitted to/accepted by any Techno-Press Journal (may present without preparing another paper)
- Others: Pre-arrangement required
Detailed instructions to prepare the abstracts and proceeding papers can be found in the Guidelines and Templates for Abstract/Paper Submission below:
Guidelines of Conference Abstract Template Proceeding Paper Template
Important Notes:
- After submission, you may check the status of your submitted papers and the paper ID & password at "My page".
- Each registered author can present up to two papers. In order to present more papers,co-author(s) should be registered.
- The presenter may have about 15 minutes (12 min. for presentation and 3 min. for discussion) in a typical session.
- Authors may choose their presentation preference (Oral or Poster).